John 13:21–33, 36–38
“If I had been more faithful,” writes Fulton Sheen, “his cheeks would never have been blistered with the kiss of Judas.” The kiss left a mark. Judas’ kiss was a treacherous kiss, given by a wolf to a lamb. It’s easy to blame Judas for betraying the Lord, acting like his work was his own. In his depiction of hell, Dante famously places Judas — alongside humanity’s other great traitors Cassius and Brutus — in the mouth of Satan himself, to be gnawed for eternity. And yet, the words of the old hymn are true, “I crucified thee.” My sins, too, are kisses of death. Jesus died not just because of someone else’s sins. He died to redeem your sins and mine.
Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world; dispel the darkness of sin and ignorance from my heart. Grant me sorrow for my sins and a true spirit of repentance. Amen.
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