Isaiah 11:1-10
Isaiah uses unparalleled imagery to describe God’s holy mountain. In one place, the prophet says, “Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, / and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; / The calf and the young lion shall browse together, / with a little child to guide them” (Is 11:6). All of creation will be reordered when the Messiah comes. But another interpretation is to see that we who are often more like wolves, leopards, and lions will be tamed. Our inclinations to brutality and cruelty will be refashioned. We shall become like lambs and calves and kids. We who were once fierce and violent will, in Christ, be made gentle and meek. True harmony will be brought about in Christ, who will conquer every animosity with the way of the Gospel.
Lord Jesus, I believe that you are true God and true man, like me in all things but sin. May I never hide anything from you. Give me the courage to bring everything in my life to your healing grace. Amen.
Take a few moments to think about the moral virtue of meekness. Why does Jesus call us to be meek like lambs and little children?