Saturday of the Fourth week of Advent

Ero Cras


On Christmas Eve all our Advent waiting comes together. We look back at the prophecies of Israel and see time and again how Christ fulfills them all. They point clearly to the Redeemer, but this mystery is only seen from Christmas. If you look back at the antiphons we’ve been singing these past seven days, the first word of each antiphon spells a phrase: Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia — “Ero Cras,” a Latin phrase which means, “I will be (there) tomorrow.” On this holy night, we join the ancient multitude who down through the centuries have prayed, Maranatha: “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rv 22:20).


Lord Jesus, in the busyness of these days, keep my mind and heart fixed on you. Don’t let me be distracted by worries, plans, or holiday stress. Help me just to love you. Amen.


Make your preparations holy! Take a minute to remember that buying gifts and preparing dinners are all part of the theology of Christmas.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you tomorrow.