Matthew 3:1–12


The four Sundays of Advent are dedicated to preaching the mystery of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Each Christian will face the end of our earthly days, and we’ll have to account for the evil we’ve done and the good we’ve failed to do. The Baptist’s cry pierces like an arrow: “Prepare the way of the Lord, / make straight his paths.” (Mt 3:3). Origen, a third-century theologian, provocatively asked: “What way are we to prepare for the Lord? Surely not a material way?” With virtuous lives and humble hearts, we prepare the way of the Lord! And by thinking about the four last things, we put this preparation in its proper perspective: the perspective of eternity.


Lord Jesus, my heart is full of worn and serpentine paths. Make the twisted ways of my memory smooth, healing all that does not belong to you or your kingdom. Amen.


Plan a time this week to go to confession. Make a good examination of conscience, trying to see things as they really are, from the perspective of eternity.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you tomorrow.