Saint John Neumann, bishop

1 John 3:11–21


For longer than I would like to admit, I confused St. John Neumann with St. John Henry Newman. The latter is the brilliant Anglican theologian who became Catholic and died a cardinal. The former is the saintly fourth bishop of Philadelphia. This is the Saint John we remember today! Having arrived in America with tattered clothes on his back and one dollar in his pocket, he poured out his life in service to a nascent immigrant Church. A brave opponent of the anti-Catholic Know-Nothing movement, Neumann fought to establish parishes and parochial schools to serve his people.


Heavenly Father, give me a share of the courage of St. John Neumann. When I am intimidated or harassed because of my faith, may I count such mistreatment as a blessing. Amen.


Throughout his life in America, Neumann wore the same pair of boots. Donate a pair of shoes or socks to the poor today.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you tomorrow.