Isaiah 58:9b–14


Where do we turn when we feel we can’t go on? How about when we feel that things are at an impasse? Or even when we don’t have any more strength? For believers, anything other than God is the wrong answer! He promises to renew us, to make our arid hearts “like watered gardens,” and to make us like springs “whose water never fails” (Is 58:11). His grace nourishes our souls, making us resilient and allowing our efforts to be fruitful. Just as a spring never runs dry, his love and mercy flow endlessly, giving us the strength to face each day as it comes.


Heavenly Father, may I be a witness to your grace and mercy in all that I do during this Lenten season. May my efforts inspire those who are living far from you to return to your love. Amen.


Form a plan to invite a friend or family member to rediscover the font of grace, to come back to Mass. Plan ahead, suggesting they come to church with you on Palm Sunday or Easter.

We look forward to praying with you again tomorrow.