Matthew 6:7–15


“Thy kingdom come,” we pray in the Lord’s Prayer. When you pause and think about it, it’s a bit of a strange petition. Surely his kingdom will come, in his time. Do I need to be praying for it? In asking a similar question, Saint Augustine offers a profound way to understand it. He says that we are in fact praying to be a part of the Kingdom when it comes. We are asking that on the last day we might find ourselves numbered among the saints. We hope on that day to be members of the Father’s household. Father, may your kingdom come!


Almighty God, help me to speak to you with the freedom of a child speaking to a father. May I receive the gift of faith, that longing for your kingdom will take hold of my heart. Amen.


To prepare for a Lenten confession, memorize the Act of Contrition. If you know one already, research and learn another version of the prayer.

We look forward to praying with you again tomorrow.