Mark 9:2–10


Pope Paul VI died on the feast of the Transfiguration, August 6, 1978. In the Angelus address that he had planned to deliver that afternoon, he had written, “The Transfiguration of the Lord, recalled by the liturgy of today’s solemnity, throws a dazzling light on our daily life, and makes us turn our mind to the immortal destiny which that fact foreshadows.” Jesus gave the disciples Peter, James, and John a glimpse of the future glory of heaven in the mystery of the Transfiguration. They would have been encouraged by it, especially during the Lord’s passion. Our hearts and minds must be drawn to heaven, too. We need to think about the promises of the inheritance that have been prepared for us. After all, Jesus has given us himself and his Church, so the means of discovering that eternal life has already begun in us.


Lord Jesus, you revealed the glory of your divinity to your disciples. Help me to see you as the Son of God. Strengthen my faith in you, Jesus, that I may always follow where you lead. Amen.


What will heaven be like? Search for paintings or depictions that help you imagine our “immortal destiny.”

We look forward to praying with you again tomorrow.