Jeremiah 7:23–28


A young noblewoman, Perpetua, is imprisoned with her servant, Felicity, for refusing to disavow Christianity. During her imprisonment, her father visited several times to plead with her to think of her family. He hoped she would betray the Faith and preserve her life. Perpetua tried to comfort him, saying: “On that scaffold whatever God wills shall happen. For know that we are not placed in our own power, but in that of God.” By refusing her earthly father’s wish, Perpetua upends Roman society’s expectations and demonstrates her total dedication to Christ. The two young mothers were martyred together in Carthage in 203.


Lord Jesus, grant me the courage to imitate Saint Perpetua. Give me the grace to belong wholly to you. Heal any conflicts in my family that have come about because of the Catholic faith. Amen.


Look for a copy of The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, and read Perpetua’s firsthand account of her martyrdom. This fantastic ancient diary is widely available online for free.

We look forward to praying with you again tomorrow.