John 8:1–11
Speaking to catechumens, St. Cyril of Jerusalem urged them on, explaining the change that would occur when they joined the Church. He says, “You are transplanted henceforth among the spiritual olive-trees, being grafted from the wild into the good olive-tree, from sins into righteousness, from pollutions into purity. You are made partakers of the Holy Vine.” Every Christian, according to Cyril, must be planted and watered by God, symbolizing the grace God gives. But it belongs to each person to receive and guard that grace, and in so doing to be a fruitful vine.
Lord Jesus, help us to treasure the grace you freely bestow upon us and to bear fruit worthily, abiding in your love and becoming fruitful branches in your spiritual vineyard. Guide us to grow in righteousness and purity, mindful of your mercy and grace. Amen.
Can you list the spiritual works of mercy? If not, look them up and learn them today.