John 12:1–11


Visiting a friend in a difficult moment can have an incredibly powerful impact on both the friend and the visitor. By showing up and offering support, we demonstrate love for our friends. And when we’re the friend in need, the presence of the other is a healing balm. Time spent with a friend is like precious oil, poured out. To one person it might appear wasteful, but to the friend who receives it, it is priceless. At the beginning of Holy Week, Jesus goes to Bethany to visit his friends: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It was enough for the Lord to be with his friends one last night before he would undergo the Passion. Sometimes all we need is for someone to be there. And sometimes all we can do for another is to be there for them.


Lord Jesus, grant me the strength to love without counting the cost. May I be a generous friend, ready to love those in need. Let me give like Mary of Bethany, lavishly and ungrudgingly. Amen.


Is there a relationship you need to set right in your life? If you’ve wronged a colleague, family member, or friend, ask their forgiveness today.

We look forward to praying with you again tomorrow.