Saturday, December 30


1 John 2:12–17


As the Christmas octave continues, the celebrations of the feast in the Church continue. We sing carols at Mass and our decorations remain. But outside of the Church, Christmas joys have waned. As stores box their ornaments and tinsel, we are reminded about the fleeting nature of this life. In today’s Mass reading, the First Letter of John says, “Do not love the world or the things of the world. … The world and its enticement are passing away.” Christ has come among us, having life as a pilgrim in this like us. The simplicity of Bethlehem is an example, a call for us to follow the Lord’s humble way of life.


Heavenly Father, we praise you for creating man, and still more for restoring humanity in Christ. Your Son shared the weakness of our human flesh. May we, by his grace, be led to share his glory. Amen.


Spend a few moments in prayer before your Christmas tree today. Bask in the glow of the lights, seeing in them the promise of the glory of life with Christ.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you tomorrow.