Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious

1 John 3:7–10


One day before her conversion to Catholicism, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton found herself thinking about the Eucharist during a service in her Episcopalian church. In fact, during the service there, she found herself looking out the window and speaking to the Eucharist in the nearby Catholic church! After becoming a Catholic, she wrote, “This heavenly bread of angels removes my pains, my cares — warms, cheers, soothes, contents, and renews my whole being.” For Saint Elizabeth, the Eucharist was a constant source of strength.


Lord Jesus, give me the desire to receive you in the Eucharist that St. Elizabeth Ann Seton had. May I love you, seek you, and honor you, as she did. Amen.


In honor of Elizabeth Ann Seton, reach out to a local Catholic school and see if the school needs anything. Offer to make a small purchase for a classroom, or to volunteer.

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