Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Matthew 3:13–17
When Jesus approached John the Baptist and asked John to baptize him, John tried to prevent him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and yet you are coming to me?” (Mt 3:14). We might ourselves have a similar reaction. If Jesus is the Son of God, why does he need to be baptized? What’s going on here? Among the reasons that could be offered, I think the best and most convincing is that Jesus, by descending into the waters, purifies the water of baptism for us. Everyone else needs to be cleansed by the waters of baptism, but on today’s feast the waters of baptism are cleansed by Christ. By being baptized by John in the River Jordan, Jesus makes it possible for any waters to have cleansing power, when men and women are baptized in his name.
Lord Jesus, thank you for your gift of baptism. May the graces you poured into my heart on the day of my baptism be renewed and take even deeper root in my soul. Amen.
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