Deuteronomy 30:15–20


To encourage the Israelites to keep God’s commands, Moses laid before them “life and death, the blessing and the curse” (Dt 30:19). The key to choosing life is not merely a matter of adhering to a set of rules but rather embracing love and faithfulness. We choose life when we love the Lord with all our hearts, heed his voice, and cling to him in trust. Choosing life — that is, following God’s commands — results in a deep and abiding relationship with him, the source of true and lasting life. That choice redounds to future generations. As Moses reminds us, our choices today shape the legacy we leave for our descendants.


Lord, grant me the wisdom to discern your voice and the courage to follow your commands. May my Lenten journey lead me to a deeper understanding of your love and a greater commitment to living it out. Amen.


Reflect on the Ten Commandments today. How successful are you in keeping them? Are there ways you fall short?

We look forward to praying with you again tomorrow.