Matthew 24:37–44


We begin the holy season of Advent by contemplating the end times. This theme might seem off-putting to us. Thinking of the apocalypse doesn’t easily harmonize with the nostalgic and warm feelings of the holiday season. But here we are, beginning Advent, with Jesus warning us: “Stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come” (Mt 24:42). And yet with a second glance we can see just how appropriate it is. As we begin Advent we begin a new liturgical year. We begin again the special time of preparation, preparing for the graces the Lord will give at Christmas, but also preparing in a deeper way for his coming again in glory.


Lord Jesus, make the words of the prophet my own: “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!” (Is 2:5). May I live every day more radiantly in your light. Amen.


Today, set up an Advent wreath in your home. Light the first candle and take a moment to think of Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you tomorrow.